116 Pearl St.

116 Pearl St.

This house is no longer standing, it was where the Springfield police stations now stands.

L. J. Powers Estate

The picture of 116 Pearl Street, the home of Lewis J Powers, sent chills down my spine. My paternal grandfather, Walter Clayton Fogg, worked for Lewis Powers for about 15 years. The last 2 years he worked for Frank Powers as a chauffeur, who resided at 122 Pearl Street. My grandfather, while walking to work one evening, was hit by a car in front of the 116 Pearl Street address and died about 2 weeks later at Springield Hospital. I was stunned to see your picture of the very house he worked in and was fatally injured in front of. Is it possible that I could obtain a digital copy of the original picture?

Pearl street mansion. (Nevens Estate).

Is the LJ Powers estate the Nevens Estate? If not, is there a picture of the Nevens Estate?